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Invoice Rates, Tax and Super

Invoices are based on a worker's ratecard, which defines the default rates for the invoice, along with other information. While you can simply use all of this data as-is, it is customisable for each invoice.

Tax and Super

Tax and super rates are shown in the Details section of the main invoice page. They define the following for both:

  • Enabled: Whether or not Tax or Super is used in the invoice. If No, then it is not included in any calculations.
  • Rate: The rate that the Tax or Super is calculated at, as a percentage of the subtotal.
  • Included: Indicates if the Tax or Super rate is already included in the worker's rates, or added on top.

Both of these rates are applied to the subtotal directly, so tax will not be paid for super, and vice versa. You can easily modify these by clicking the "Edit" button in the Details section of the page.


The rates are simply the amount users are paid per unit. The Rates section of the main invoice page details the current rate types for the invoice, and breaks down any associated cost rates. You can make changes to these using the Edit button, which will allow you to override any of the rates, plus also add more rate types. If you clear any of the values, it will simply revert to the data from the ratecard.

The rate types themselves (and their associated costs) are defined in the "Rates" module, located under finance. Note that both rate types and cost types can define whether they pay tax, super and penalty rates.

Rate Multipliers

Rate multipliers can be applied to change the rates for any given day of the invoice. By default, the invoice will apply weekend penalty rates for Saturdays and Sundays. These rates can be modified on the invoice itself, but also on a worker's rate card, and globally in the finance configuration.

You are also able to manually change the rate multiplier for any day by clicking the Edit button from the Rates section. The multipliers page lists the rates for each day, along with a type. The type is a dropdown containing the following options:

  • Penalty: The default for weekend rates. Applies only to rate types and costs which have penalty rates enabled.
  • Overall: Applies to all rate types and costs

Regardless of the type, multipliers are applied directly to the subtotal, before any tax or super calculations are made.